The Bible Baptist Church was established in 1999 and is officially registered. You are kindly invited to visit our services. On the foundation of the Word of God, the Bible, you will learn how to solve the greatest man‘s problem - sin - and how to reconcile with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. You will also receive answers to many questions that you may come across in your life.



  • The Word of God is preached and taught through the following ministries:
  • The Lord‘s Day service
  • Sunday school for pre-schoolers and teenagers
  • Prayer meeting
  • Men‘s and women‘s Bible study
  • Bible College



Sunday Bible Lesson 10.30a.m. & Morning Worship 11.30a.m.

Thursday Prayer Meeting: 6.30p.m.


The services are held in Lithuanian with translation into Russian language. For English speakers there is also translation available.



Batoro street 46, 01215 Vilnius



A number 6G bus goes from “Žaliasis tiltas“ (the Green Bridge)

A number 74 bus goes from the Railway Station

Number 27 and 37 buses go from „Kalvarijų žiedas“ (Kalvarijų ring road)


We want you to know what a great blessing it is for us to serve you. You are very welcome to visit Vilnius Bible Baptist Church. For more information please contact us
+370 675 14490

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